
Friday, January 11, 2013

Teresa's First Blogaversary Blog Hop

Thanks for hopping with us today! Today we are all celebrating Teresa's First Blogaversary!! This is your last stop!!

A little over a year ago Teresa began her new blog to celebrate the fact that she wanted a change in her life. And for that change to be permanent came lots of prayer and leaning on God to give her the right answers. The answers He needed to give, not the answers Teresa desired. Well here she is 1 year later and Teresa is a Stay at Home Wife, loving life and doing all she needs to do to create a warm, loving atmosphere for her family!

With this in mind, the theme of this blog hop has been CHANGE! I am sure that everyone can relate with changes in your life. Each of us on this blog hop has shared things that have changed our lives or ways that our lives have changed, whether it be by choice, or having it thrust upon us.

There have been some hopefully inspiring projects today. I hope you didn't miss any of them!

You should have arrived here from Melissa's blog.

If you did not, please hop over to Teresa's blog and start there so you don't miss out on any of the great projects. Besides you need to leave comments along your journey so you can get entered to win Teresa's Blogaversary prize! The winner will be chosen on Monday 1/14.

My life went through some major changes in 2011. In December of 2011 fate brought an amazing man into my life. I was trying to just put one foot in front of the other. I had no idea where I was going. He swept me off my feet. He is my inspiration. He has changed my life in so many ways. I have rediscovered my love of life. I have found out what it is means to really be happy. Every day I wake up next to him I am thankful. Sometimes when changes are forced upon us better things are to come, we just can't see it in the depths of our sorrow.

For this layout I also used one of my favorite lines of paper....Heidi Grace!

Thanks again for hopping along and celebrating the changes in all of our lives.

This is the last stop on your journey! If you missed any of the 10 wonderful projects/blogs, please check out the list below and go back and see what you missed.

BEFORE YOU GO, please leave a comment so you can be included in the prize drawing back at Teresa's blog.

Just in case you got lost or missed someone, here is the list of all of your stops on this journey.


We hope something you seen along the way has inspired you!




  1. Daphne,
    Thanks so much for sharing with us! I LOVE your layout. It came together beautifully! That word believe is what it is all about. I am so happy that Ron came into your life and you feel totally "renewed."

    Thanks for celebrating with me. Have a blessed day!

  2. Gorgeous LO! So happy you had such a positive change in your life. You are inspiring!
    Miranda :)

  3. Love your layout. Definitely represents a change for you. So glad to see you smiling and happy.

  4. Your layout is beautiful!

  5. Thanks for being a part of this hop and sharing your amazing story and LO. i am a new follower

  6. Love your layout,thanks for sharing...

  7. Awwww, what a layout! and Such a nice pic of the two of you!


  8. Isn't it funny when you are not looking, the perfect thing FINDS YOU! I am glad to hear how happy you sound! That is a great picture for your layout, too!

  9. Same with me, found the right person when I wasn't even searching and now we've been together for over 9 years. Love your layout! Glad to be on the hop with you.

  10. WOW really like the saying and will USE it!! So glad to hear things are SO MUCH BETTER! Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. Awesome layout. And so happy God has blessed you with another found love. That sayin is so right. I wish you all the best. HUGS & TFS AJ=

  12. Great job, Daph! And I love your new blog...and your new outlook on life! I have "watched" you go thru your changes over the past year and I am so proud of how far you've come! And many thanks to Ron for helping you get there!

  13. Super, super cute job Daphne!! Loving the colors in the new blog, can't wait to see what else 2013 brings!!

  14. Great layout. I am happy that God gave you the happiness you deserve.

